Wednesday 28 November 2012

Poster influences

Now we have completed our Teaser Trailer, we need to create a poster for it.  To get some ideas for this we have been looking at other supernatural films posters.

We liked this particular poster from The Woman in Black because of its subtlety of the face behind the two children, this makes it a fairly simple, yet highly effective horror poster. This is a big influence for us as we want to create a simple poster, but not too simple that an effect isn't given off to the viewer. Another reason why we liked this poster was because it didn't have too much text on it.  It just has a slogan related to the film and text to say when it is coming out.  This is good because it means not too much of the poster is swamped by text like some posters can have the tendency of doing.

As well as The Woman in Black poster, we liked the poster for rec.  We liked the idea of the camera and seeing a reflection in it.  For our poster we thought of the idea of having the main character, Alice, holding the camera and in the camera a reflection of the scary figure.  We felt this would be a fairly simple, but an effective poster.

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