Friday 9 November 2012

First day of filming

Today we filmed all of the inside shots of our trailer with Megan and Mark.  We had some problems with the lighting as we were filming during the day (as that was the only time we were all free) but our trailer needs to be in the dark.  We closed the curtains in the room and lit some candles to try and sort the problem and we thought that it was looking ok.  However, now we have watched what we filmed back we can see that some of the shots have different lighting, e.g some shots are very dark and some shots are very bright.  We have decided to re-film all of this again, but with different actors as it is hard for us to get Megan and Mark during the evening.
We are now using Alice and Ellis and are filming next week during the evening.

Below is a video of us setting up to film with Mark and Megan, as you can see by us trying to black out the windows, that we had issues with lighting from the start.

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