Monday, 10 September 2012

What is a Trailer? What is a Teaser Trailer?

Trailers are used to advertise films prior to release in the cinema. There are two types of trailers; teaser trailers and feature trailers. Teaser trailers are normally a lot shorter than feature trailers, this is to tease and make the audience want to go and see this particular film. In our lesson we had to watch the following; one feature trailer and four teaser trailers and write about different techniques and styles used within them.

1) Looper

There is no doubt about it by watching this trailer that the genre of the film is meant to be an 'Action'. Immediately the trailer jumps straight into the action by setting the scene of the film in a diner with Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon- Levitt. "So you're me in 30 years" is the first dialogue presented in the feature trailer, suggesting to the audience there is going to be some feature of time travel within the film. This is then proven to be correct when the trailer then switches between two periods of time, the past is presented in black and white with a vignette around the outside of the clip, whereas the present time is presented in colour (as seen by the two images on the right).

The trailer has quite a prominent score which differs in tempo and use of different dynamics, which increases tension that the audience feels whilst watching the trailer. Fast cuts are also used to help create a sense of tension and suspense. As trailers use only the best parts of their films to make it appealing to the audience the fast cuts help fit in as much plot and atmosphere of the film as they can in a trailer that is only 2 minutes and 25 seconds long.

The production logo which is presented 30 seconds into the trailer is edited in the style of the genre. In the presentation of the production logo it flashes between 3 different production titles; Tristar, Film District and Endgame Entertainment. The way it flashes between the different production logos is accompanied by an electronic sound effect, emphasising the genre of an action film which depends on many different sound effects.

A dramatic climax consisting of explosive scenes and prominent musical score helps create more of an appeal to action loving audiences. The title of the film is presented in a similar style to that of the production logo at the end of the trailer. By having a dramatic end this then has the ability to capture the audiences attention increasing the chance of a wide audience wishing to see the film and remembering the title of it.

2) Man of Steel 

This trailer is different to that of the feature trailer used for Looper, as it is a teaser trailer. The trailer starts with the 'Appropriate Audiences' certificate showing that the film is suitable for all to watch and suggesting it is maybe a mainstream film.

Immediately at the start the production logos appear for Warner Bros, Legendary, DC comics and syncopy. As well as the production logos a prominent score begins to play. This then flips between clips of a small boy playing in the garden and a young man working at the docks. The type of musical score used and the presentation of the shots slowly fading in and out give a calm feel to the audience suggesting the film maybe of a Drama type genre.

Between the clips that feature in the trailer titles appear that tell the audience when the film will be released and the director of the film as well as the actual title of the film which is featured towards the end. These titles are presented in a shiny metallic way which kind of represents the genre of the film.
However the start of the teaser trailer is deceiving as the audience then find out the calm, drama film they thought 'Man of steel' was, is actually a superhero film of Superman, presented by the well known Superman logo at the end of the teaser trailer. They're have been clues throughout the trailer but none explicitly apart from the red cape. The fact that what the actual film is about is left to the end definately teases the audience, making this a good teaser trailer. The way the teaser trailer is set out is also clever in the sense at it suggests to the audience that this film will be an unusal take on the original Superman films.

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