Sunday 30 September 2012


Below is our Prezi of our main influences for our trailer that we will be making.  For influences based on sound we chose Devil. In terms of structure we looked at the Trailer for War of the Worlds however the trailer for Devil also fits with the type of structure we want as it starts off calm and slow and then builds up finishing with fast cuts as well as a scary figure appearing at the end. Therefore we will be looking at both when structuring our trailer. In terms of micro and visual aspects we looked at 1408 we were originally going to look at Paranormal Activity but the film is shot with a handheld camera, something that we want to try and avoid. Many of the film trailers we looked at were based on the genre of a supernatural thriller, except for War of the Worlds which is a sci-fi film. We tried to not stick to one particular genre area when writing about are influences so that we could make comparisons and contrasts between the two styles. However this is difficult as many comedies, romances etc. do not share the same qualities and styles as that of a thriller.

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