Saturday 26 January 2013

Evaluation question 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback? (part 2)

Below is a video with our audience feedback.  It also includes us discussing what we learnt from our audience feedback.

Evaluation Question 3: What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback? (part 1)

This is the survey we created on Obsurvey to get feedback for our trailer.  We posted this survey onto our blog along with our trailer.  We also posted it onto Facebook to get feedback from our friends. Below are screen shots of the survey we created and the feedback we recieved. We have also posted a video of feedback that we also received from interviews as well as us discussing what we learnt from this.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

Below is a video of a voiceover of us talking about the different aspects of our trailer and how these linked with our finished poster and our magazine cover.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Evaluation question 1 (part 2)

Below is a prezi with a second part to evaluation question 1.

Evaluation question 1: In what ways does your media products use, develop challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Below is a video montage of a presentation we created using iMovie to answer Evaluation Question 1.

 Other Notes:

  • We also used one other sound at the end of our trailer 'L490' by 30 Seconds to Mars. We used this sound as we felt it helped bring the music to a slow end. We also felt it went well when the word 'DIE' appeared in individual characters at the end of our trailer, as it allowed the sound 'Alien Impact' to be heard more clearly building up a sense of anxiety for when the final part of our trailer appeared which is when the masked figure appears in the lighting of the match behind one of our characters.

  • Sounds we didn't use;
    1) 'A Downward Spiral' by Nine Inch Nails. We didn't use this particular sound track as we didn't feel it gave the right atmosphere for our trailer as it sounded quite machine like. We both agreed that this soundtrack might be better for a more sci-fi movie rather than a supernatural thriller which is what our trailer is based on.
    2) 'Metamorphis' by Trentemoller. Listening to this sound now we really wish that we used this at the end of the trailer, and we can't understand why we didn't. We feel that the ending of this song would of been perfect in building up that atmosphere, anxiety and tension for the climatic end of the trailer where the mask figure appeared, rather that the sounds we did use 'L490' and 'Alien Impact'. If we could go back to the editing stages of our trailer, we would of definately of used the ending to this sound.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Evaluation progress

Here is the presentation we created to be presented as a green screen with us talking about each individual slide with us talking in front of it.

We are currently in the editing stages of this presentation and green screen montage. We filmed us in front of a green screen on Friday 18th January (last week).  As we were using a green screen for the first time, we were a little unsure of how it worked, but we are now confident with using it and are prepared to tackle any issues we may face in the editing stages as we have faced many issues before with editing our actual trailer.

Thursday 17 January 2013